Vancouver personal injury attorney Man on Floor in PainOne of the first questions that you may have for your Vancouver personal injury lawyer may be “What is the value of my claim?” While there are certain factors that your Vancouver personal injury lawyer can explain the factors that might increase the value of your claim, such as clear liability and objective evidence of injuries, he or she can also explain situations that can decrease your case’s value.

Delay Between Accident and Claim

While in some cases your Vancouver personal injury lawyer can simply explain that the nature of your injury prohibited you from reporting it quickly, sometimes there is not a reasonable explanation for this delay. The adjuster may be skeptical of the validity of the claim if there is a longer period of time between the accident and the claim. In some circumstances, your Vancouver personal injury lawyer may warn you that you should be prepared to explain why you denied any injury immediately after the accident but then visited a medical center days or weeks later.

Missing History Information

Another problem that your Vancouver personal injury attorney may warn you about is if the “History” section of your medical report lacks any mention of the accident. The adjuster may resist paying on the claim if this information is not included.

Prior Medical History

If a claims adjuster sees that you have suffered injuries in previous accidents, your Vancouver personal injury lawyer can warn you that the claims adjuster may resist paying out quickly.If you would like to learn more about other special factors that can affect the value of your case, contact Vancouver personal injury attorney from the Etengoff Pak Law Group at (360) 693-2919.