In a personal injury case, your injury lawyers in Vancouver Wa want to get you the best results possible. There are eight simple things you can do to help your personal injury lawyers to build a stronger case for you and get you the best end result possible:

  1. Do not discuss your case with anyone other than your personal injury lawyers in Vancouver Wa and their office. Immediate family members are acceptable as well, however anyone outside of your immediate family should not be familiar with the details of your personal injury case. Anything you say can be held against you in the court.
  2. Keep a log of your injuries. Be sure to document photographs of your injuries from the accident as well as the healing process. Write down anything that you think is important and pertains to the injuries you sustained.
  3. Seek medical treatment immediately. If you are in an accident, you need to see a doctor right away. Keep all your follow-up appointments and keep the records of those visits.
  4. Share your medical bills with your attorney. Be sure to provide copies of any bills you have received.
  5. Keep the following items: medical bills related to the injury, a list of expenses related to the injury, record of lost wages, a list of witnesses, and letters from your attorney.
  6. Keep your lawyer in the loop about your treatment for the injuries. Let them know if you condition changes, good or bad.
  7. Talk to your lawyer about potential witnesses. Write down if the witnesses saw the accident or can testify to how your life has changed after.
  8. Stay in contact with your lawyer. Let the office know if you have recently had a change of phone number, address, or email address.

Contact Injury Lawyers in Vancouver WA

Etengoff Pak Law Group are the injury lawyers in Vancouver WA who will help you fight for what you deserve! Call (360) 693-2919.